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简介1.高考英语语法:高中英语语法-短文改错中的“画蛇添足”2.高考英语短文改错有什么技巧?3.英语高考模拟 短文改错 快点 打字回复,不要4.高考英语短文改错怎么做?怎么答题?高考英语短文改错高频错误总结 老师叮咛:李辉老师说 , 所谓聪明都是小聪明,而真正的智慧,就是能够学会去发现各种规律 。 君子性非异也,善假于各种规律也 。 因此,学 会找到规律 ,至关重要!本文也将通过对



3.英语高考模拟 短文改错 快点 打字回复,不要




老师叮咛:李辉老师说 , 所谓聪明都是小聪明,而真正的智慧,就是能够学会去发现各种规律 。 君子性非异也,善假于各种规律也 。 因此,学 会找到规律 ,至关重要!本文也将通过对 短文改错高考高频考点总结 来 帮助 同学 找到规律 。下文经过了全网首席高考英语名师李辉老师团队高度认真的整理校对 , 无错 、 可信 ! 供全国各省高中生打印 、 学习 、 背诵 。


eg:(2014全国卷2) We did not need to do so?many(much)homework.


eg:(2015全国卷1) I think(thought)would be happy.


eg:(2014全国卷1) Since then for all these year(years),we have been allowing tomatoes seed where they please.


eg:(2014全国卷1) Nearly five years before(ago),and with the help of our father ,my sister and I planted some?cherry tomatoes in our back garden.


eg:(2017全国卷3) About one month after this photo was took(taken),I entered my second year of high school and become a new member of the school music class.


eg:(2014全国卷1) We are growing wonderfully(wonderful)tomatoes at no cost!

7.somewhere与everywhere 类似这种逻辑混淆

eg:(2014全国卷1) As a result ,the plants are growing somewhere(everywhere).


eg:(2016全国卷2) If we go on a trip abroad,we can broaden you(our)view and gain knowledge we?can not get from books.


eg:(2018全国卷1) Last winter when I went here(there)again,they had a big separate house to raise dozens of chickens.


eg:(2017全国卷2) Mr. and Mrs. Zhang all(both)work in our school.


eg:(2018全国卷3) I was afraid to speak in front of a larger(large)group of people.


eg:(2014全国卷2) There are all kinds of the(删去)flowers and trees around the classroom buildings.


eg:(2015全国卷2) After loos(looking)at the toy for some time,he turned around and found where his parents were missing.

14.so与 such的误用

eg:(2016全国卷3) However,my parents didn't seem to think such(so).


eg:(2017全国卷1)“Speed up!”“Slow down!”“Turning (Turn)left!”


eg:(2018全国卷1) The first time I went here,they were living in a small house with dogs,ducks and another(other)animals.


eg:(2015全国卷2) Five minutes later,Tony saw his parents.


eg:(2017全国卷1) In the summer holiday following my?eighteen(eighteenth)birthday,I took driving lessons.


eg:(2018全国卷3) I had done myself(may)homework,but I was shy.


eg:(2015全国卷2) After looking at the toy for some time,he turned around and found where(that)his parents were missing.

eg:(2017全国卷3) In their spare time,they?were interested in planting vegetables in their garden,that(which)is on the roof top of their house.


eg:(2016全国卷2) Some classmates suggest we can(去掉)go to places of interest nearby.


eg:(2017全国卷2) Beside(Besides),they often get some useful information from the Internet.

23.to do形式弄混以及情态动词+do

eg:(2018全国卷1) As a kid,I loved to watch cartoons,but no matter how many times I asked to watching(watch)them,my parents would not do(去掉)let me.


eg:(来源典型例子) We should not leave the tap water run(running)or waste any materials in the laboratory class.

[if !supportLists]25.?[endif]对于改错常用的固定搭配


in the Us


in English

On(去掉)last this Thursday





with the help of

with the development of

time for

enter into

in the countryside

be amazed at


一、先通读全文。认真阅读短文,在做题之前确保已经弄清原文大意。根据短文大意和上下文逻辑关系,对文章进行逐字逐句的分析,检查句子的结构是否完整,语气是否连贯等等。 二、综合运用所学语言知识,根据各行不同的错误情况分别进行答题(即改词、加词或减词)。在短文改错中常出现的错误主要有以下几类:  1.名词单复数用错,可数与不可数名词的混用。大多数短文改错都会有此类的错误。  如:theytakehimlotsofgoodbookandfreshfruit.(2009.陕西卷)此处book改为books.book前用lotsof修饰,应用复数。  2.动词:时态和语态,常出现在总体时态为过去或现在时,中间杂有不适的另一时态的现象;或是及物动词后无宾语,或是不及物动词后加了宾语;需要接ing形式的接了to,或相反等。  如:TheSichuanRestaurantandtheolderfishshopacrossthestreetfromourmiddleschoolweregone.(2009全国卷I)把were改为are。根据上文可知饭店和鱼店消失都陈述的是现在的情况。  3.形容词副词:常出现需形容词的地方用了副词或相反;关系副词where,when,why等的缺失或错用。  如:Hehasacomfortableroom,patientlynurses,andagreatdealoftimetoread.(2009.陕西卷)此处patiently改为patient.修饰名词nurses,用形容词。  4.介词:主要是介词的多余或缺失,错用。这一部分需要平时多多积累,弄清常用介词的搭配。  5.主谓一致性:第三人称单数漏掉s,或主语为复数,谓语动词用了单数;再就是就近原则对主语的影响。  6.冠词:定冠词the的多余或缺失,如季节,月份,星期,球类及三餐活动,称呼头衔前等不能加the的地方加了the,或是same等常和the一起使用的词却漏税掉了the;a,an的混用,特别注意:hour,honest等虽然首字母不是元音字母,但其发音却是以元音素开头,故用an,而useful,university,European,one—hour等虽然首字母是元音字母,但却以辅音音素开头,故用a。  如1:andsportscenterhasbeenbuiltintheirplace.(2009全国卷I)在此sports前应加a。sportscenter是可数名词单数,表示不确定。  如1:Thedriverputthewindowdownandofferedusaumbrellabecausehefoundwewerewetthrough.(2009浙江卷)在此a改为an;由umbrella的发音可知以元音因素开头,应用an。  7.数词:主要是序数词与基数词的混用和错用,如分数的分子大于一时分母没有用复数等,基数词的复数形式如几百hundredsof,几千thousandsof漏掉了s,或是当其前有具体数字或several时加了复数,如sevenhundred,写作sevenhundreds。  8.连词:不合句中的逻辑关系。如需转折连词(如but)的时候用了承接连词(so),或相反等等。  例1:Thismanmightneedtheumbrellahimself,andhepreferredtogiveittosomebodyelse.(2009.浙江卷)在此and改为but,前后构成转折,用but。  9.代词:主要是代词的格与数的错用。如男性用了女性代词,单数用了复数代词或相反;应当用形容词性的物主代词用了宾格,主格或相反,关系代词的错用或缺失。如只能用that引导的用了其它,或在不能用that的地方却用了that,或是在“介词+关系代词”结构中漏掉了介词等。  例1:Thefactory……hasbeenmovedoutofthecity,andasportscenterhasbeenbuiltintheirplace.(2009全国卷I)此处their改为its。因为前文中提到了名词Thefactory是单数,因此把their改为its。  例2:onedayIsawasecond—handbicycle,thatwasonlyonehundredyuan.(2009辽宁卷)把that改为which,非限制性定语从句的先行词指物时只能用which不能用that。  10.常用固定短语或固定用法及句型用错。  例:Itwasalessontousthatitwaspossiblegivewithoutexpectinganythinginreturn.(2009浙江卷)在possible后加to。由Itis/waspossible(或其他形容词)+todosth.固定句型决定。三、验证答案。改完后,要回过头来重读一遍全文,查看改过后是否能使语气通顺,时态一致,合乎逻辑。再次通读可以在初改时感觉不顺的地方集中精力,仔细推敲,使答案更加准确。因为有时就一个句子来看可能在两个地方修改都说地过去,但在上下文中可能只能在一处修改才正确。







1. I'll spend all the whole weekend reading and preparing for it. (NMET2000)

2. When I returned back , I found he was not in.

3. It's a very good company and how I enjoy working here very much .

4. How are you getting well with the work?

5. One man was so brave enough to put a big snake around his neck.

常见语意重复的现象有: think over ( 仔细考虑 ) (carefully), walk (on foot), advance (forward), renew (again), master ( 精通 ) (well), improve (better), raise (up), be about to do (at once), repeat (again), sink ( 下沉 ) (down), another ( 有,再 ) (more), leave (away), gather/collect (together), unite /combine ( 联合,团结 ) (together), meet ( 会合 ) (together), (still) remain, (more) perfect, repay (back), maybe (may), alone ( 独自 ) (by oneself), about/around/round ( 大约 ) (or so), etc. 括号里的单词都与它前(后)面的词重复,应去掉。


1 .受汉语的影响在一些及物动词后面添加多余的介词。下面各句中画线部分属于这种情况。

We must serve for the people heart and soul.

John married with Alice last year.

salute to ( 向?致敬 ), greet to ( 向?问好 ), visit to ( 访问,参观 ), enter into ( 进入 ), advertise for ( 为?作广告 ), discuss about ( 讨论有关?的情况 ), fight against ( 与?作斗争 ), flee from ( 逃离 ), fit for ( 合适,适合 ) 等结构中介词都是多余的。

2 .时间名词前面有 this, that, last, next, every, each, one, some, all, any 以及 yesterday, today, tomorrow 时,前面无须用介词 in, on, at . time 表示?次数?时,前面也不用介词。

In fact, they are planning to visit China in next year. (NMET1996)

I won't be able to come in this time. (NMET2000)

We practise for three times every week and often watch football match on TV. (NMET1998)

3 .副词前一般不用介词( from 除外),容易出错的副词有: upstairs, downstairs, there, home, abroad 和用作副词的方位词(如: south, north, east, west, etc. )以及以 -ward 结尾的副词(如: southward, northward, eastward, forward, backward, etc. )。

He is going to go to abroad to settle.

He didn't know there she had gone to .

Jose played his guitar and sang in wherever he could.

The house faces to south.


1. The film is worth seeing it . (see 的宾语是 the film ,因此不需要再加 it . )

2. The box is too heavy for me to carry it . (carry 的宾语是 the box ,因此不需再加 it . )

I have read the novel twice which you are talking about it . ( 如果关系代词 which, that, who(m) ,在从句中充当宾语,动词后不需再加 it . )

四。动词不定式符号 to 的多余。

?, the librarian will write to you, and let you to know when the book you want has been returned. (NMET1994)

?, all planned and written by grown-ups make children to want things that they don't really need. (2003 北京春招 )

He had nothing to do but to make a living by begging.

感官动词、使役动词后面的宾语补足语不用 to do 的形式,而是用动词原形; but 用作介词,若其前的句子中含有实义动词 do 时,作宾语的动词不定式不带 to; why not, had better, would rather, rather than 后接动词原形;不定式作表语时,如果主语部分含 do 的各种形式,那么作表语的不定式前不带 to; can not but, cannot help but 后接动词原形。



1. They believe that the spirit stays with the body for 3 days, so during which someone is ?always? with the dead person.

2. Though we still find it difficult to learn the language, but we've made up our minds to learn it well.

3. There are a lot of islands in China, and the largest of which is Taiwan.


1. advice, music, fun, information, luggage, weather, furniture 属于绝对的不可数名词,因此前面不用 a/an .

2. 下列情况名词前不用冠词:

(1)man/mankind( 人类 ), nature ( 自然,自然界 ), word ( 消息,音信 ), room ( 空间 ), space ( 空间,太空 )

(2)as 引导让步状语从句时。

(3) 表示独一无二的官衔、职务作表语、同位语、补足语时。

(4)turn, go 后作表语的名词。

(5) 不带有修饰性词语的一日三餐的名词前。

( 错 )He has turned a doctor.

( 正 )He has turned doctor.

( 错 )A child as he is, he knows a lot about English.

( 正 )Child as he is, he knows a lot about English.

以上是笔者根据近年来高考试题和各地联考试卷中总结出的有关多词的几种常见现象。考生在学习和复习的过程中,要处处留心,注意知识的积累,更重要的是要加强基础知识的训练,准确把握词意、词的搭配及习惯用法,做题时才能得心应手。 《高中英语语法-短文改错中的“画蛇添足”》由出国留学我精心为您学习英语准备.liuxue86.com

英语高考模拟 短文改错 快点 打字回复,不要

1. 不要着急着手做题,先将全文读一遍,知道短文的大概意思以及短文所处的时态。\x0d\\x0d\2.开始做题。这时候应该逐句细细读。句子里面有名词的话注意名词的单复数以及是否缺失冠词;有动词的话注意动词的时态以及语态。如果文中有复合句,首先判断复合句类型(就像定语从句啊,宾语从句啊,同位语从句啊,主语从句啊,状语从句啊等等)。如果是名词性从句,注意引导词,尤其是that有没有用对。如果是定语从句的话,看好先行词和引导词的关系。如果是条件状语从句的话,得要注意句中是否使用了虚拟语气,尤其在if,as if引导的句子中;如果是让步状语从句的话,注意though引导从句后,主句不能以but开头(例如:"Though I am young,but..."就是错误的,正确该法是将but去掉或者改为yet)等等。\x0d\\x0d\3.第一遍读完,短文时态以后,就得要结合上下文意分析。就像复合句的时态要一致,文中句子要和文章时态一致。虚拟语气的变化要和短文时态一致。\x0d\\x0d\4.觉得语法错误已经改得差不多了以后得要按文意分析,看逻辑关系。这个得要在不断地练习中找准语感。\x0d\\x0d\5.我高考的那个时候短文改错有十个空,其中有一个是打对号。这个打对号的空得要很谨慎。其余改得地方无非是名词单复数和冠词会有错误,时态会有错误,逻辑连接词会有错误(就像and会被改成but这一类的),句子里面会出现两个动词的错误(一个正确完整的英语句子里面只允许一个动词存在),非谓语动词的错误(-ing表示主动进行,-ed表示被动完成),复合句引导词的运用错误,句意前后逻辑的错误等等。\x0d\\x0d\总之,短文改错要求比较高,但难度还是没有完形填空那么高。平常多练习,多总结一下,在每次练习的时候将错误控制在三个以内就很不错了。总结这个东西真的很重要,别人的经验不是自己的,只有自己亲自体会,才会有不断提高的感觉,觉得学习是很享受的过程。



Cats are animals of habit. They like to go to sleep about sametime every day but for a certain length of time. They seem to have a naturalclock inside it that tells them how to sleep. Besides their regularly sleep,cats take naps(打盹). Some scientists think that people should also take cat naps.The habit would do good for people's health. Cat naps helped build up energy inthe body. Since cats have moods(情绪) like these of people, scientists believe that people canimprove their moods with cat-napping. People might become more happier and moreactive.


A man shot the two students died and wounded five other at anAustralian university on Monday after he was overpowered (制服) by classmates of the victims.The two dead were all males of Asian appearance at their early 20s. The othershave being treated for minor injuries. The man, in his mid-30s or of Asianappearance, was seized by several students in classroom at Monash University,Melbourne andwas late arrested.


When I first learned to write in English, I ran into muchdifficulties. The main problem was that I always thought in Chinese and triedto translate anything into English. My teacher advised me to keep my diary. Ifollowed her advice and should put down 100 words or so each day. Soon I beganto enjoy talk to myself as I was learning to express me in simple English. Oneday I wrote a story and showed to my teacher. He liked it very much that hereads it to the class. All said that the story was a good one. Their word werea great encouragement to me .


The winter holiday,when I am looking forward to, is coming. What fun it is to have sports! Playfootball is one of my hobby. I can also ride my bicycle, climb high mountains,or go skating. Sometime I can play the chess with Grandfather. How interestedmy holiday will be! But my father is always afraid I would be hurt by a truck, fall into water, and fall off a tree.He is afraid I would fight against others or taken away by bad men. But if I’m friendly and carefully enough, howwill these things happen? I must trybest to persuade my father.


Tom had retired and lived lonely a long way from town. He hardlynever left his home. But one day he went to town buy some things in the market,and after he had bought it, he went into a restaurant and sit down at a tableby himself. When he looked around, he saw several old peoples put up glassesbefore reading their newspapers. So after the lunch he decided to go to a storeto buy himself a pair of glasses, either, He walked along a wide street andfast found a store.


My parents were all standing there, shouting at each other. The word "divorce(离婚)" was repeated and broke myheart each time. I had trapped between them and didn't know what to do. Amillion thoughts rushed into my mind, but nothing of them could ease myfeelings. I rushed back to my room, seated down in silence and stared out ofthe window. The leaves were floated in the air. They struggled trying to catchthe wind and finally they had to fall on the ground.I knew I was not the onlyone had gone through this. But I must learn to fight against this. Later in theday I took up with a pen and wrote down "It is until I take a step backand look at my family thatI can really appreciate life. All of this has helped me grow strongly andmature(成熟)."


Dear editor,

In the past my hometown was used to be a beautiful place. Thick trees and green grass can be seen everywhere.In order to build house and grow more crops, people cut down more and moretrees. With time went on, the whole forest was almost destroyed. Gradually thegreen hills have changed into wasteland. As a result, sandstorms struck us nowand then, from that we suffer a lot. However, I do hope all the people shouldrealize the terribly result of not caring about our environment. What's more,they should take good care of the forests and plant trees instead cutting themdown to improve our living conditions.


When I found out that my train would three hours late, I decidedto get a bus instead. I was about to rush out of the train station while awell-dressed old man took me by my arm, "Young lady," said thegentleman, "Shouldn't you find out the bus schedule (时刻表) before you rush out to catch the bus?". I stared to him with mymouth opened. How did he read my mind? Before I can say a word, he added, "Yousee, my train is also running lately. The same idea came to me. But I think agood conversation that can help pass the time. Before you know it, your trainwill be there."


Dear Kang Li,

I haven't heard you for a long time. How are you? I had justfinished the exams. Now I'm glad I have time to write for you. Our teachertells us that Chinais a big country has the most population in the world. It's on the other sideof the world. Now the sun is shining bright here and perhaps you're sleeping inthe dark night. I wish to know anything more about the Chinese way of living. Iwonder at if you can tell me about it in your next letter. Please writing soon.


I visited the zooyesterday, and I was very unhappy and angry about the things what I saw. Thelarge animals were in small cages. The lion was walking back and forth. It wascompletely boring. The tiger fell asleep all the afternoon. I see peoplefeeding the fish. They were throwing rices and meat into the pond, which couldkill the fish, but no one tried stop them. When I had the drink at the zoorestaurant, the waiter served me rude. Outside the restaurant, the rubbish binswere full and rubbish was blowing everywhere. It seems that the zoo doesn't look the animals or the visitors verywell.



 2. 谓语动词的时态、语态;






 8.并列句中的并列连词、主从复合句中的从属连词用的是否得当。短文改错解题四原则:改动以最少为原则; 虚词以添加或删除为原则; 实词以改变词形为原则以保持句子原意为原则。短文改错解题步骤:通读全文,掌握大意; 整句分析,逐行推敲






 1. 谓语动词的错误是历年考试的重点和热点,常见动词错误类型有①一般现在时与一般过去时错用;②and前后动词时态不一致;③主谓不一致; ④缺少动词,特别是be动词; ⑤第三人称单数形式错用;⑥主动语态和被动语态错用。 Theydid not want me to do any work at home; they want me to devote allmy time to my studies.(did改为do,错误类型属于①) As weclimbed the mountain, we fed monkeys, visiting temples and toldstories. (visiting 改为visited, 错误类型属于②) Therewill an important game next month. (will后加be,错误类型属于④) Oneevening she told me that something happened when her parents wasout. ( was 改为were,错误类型属于③)

 2. 名词的常见错误:单复数名词错用,可数名词与不可数名词错用。I?ll get good marks in all mysubject.(subject改为subjects) Theirword were a great encouragement to me.(word改为words) Withoutenough knowledges, you can never teach well.(knowledges改为knowledge)

 3. 连词错误 连词包括关系代词、副词,并列连词and/ or/but等。关于连词,一般考查从句关系who/whom/whose/what/which/how/why/when/where/if/whether等。 I havea good friend who?s name is Liu Mei. (错用了who的'所有格形式,改为whose) I teachthem, play with them, but watch them growing up.(此处应该是并列的关系而非转折,but改为and) Cleveras she is, but she works very hard.(as意为?尽管?,不能再跟but连用,所以去掉but)

 4. 冠词错误:误用a和an(根据单词的第一个音素来判定);误用a/an和the(固定搭配,或泛指、特指;多冠词或少冠词) We maybe one family and live under a same roof. (a 改为the,thesame 是固定搭配) Aseveryone knows, it?s famous mountain with all kinds ofpants. (mountain是可数名词需用冠词,所以其前加a) I hopeyou have pleasant journey.(journey是可数名词,故have后加a)

 5. 形容词和副词错误:系动词后用形容词(be/am/is/are/was/were/become/go/感官性动词smell/feel);词性的误用(形容词修饰名词;副词修饰动词、形容词)。I?m sure we?ll have a wonderfully timetogether. (time是名词所以要用形容词wonderful修饰) Mypronunciation was terribly.(was后用形容词,terribly改为terrible.)

 6. 代词错误:代词的主格和宾格(I / me;he/him; she/ her; we/ us they/ them )错误;反身代词(myself/yourself/himself/herself/themselves/ourselves)使用错误;代词的单数和复数使用错误;代词指代错误;多代词或少代词。 Soon Ibegan to enjoy talking to myself on paper as I was learning toexpress me in simple English. (me 改为myself) One dayI wrote a little story and showed to my teacher.(to前加it) If anyone of us had any difficulty in our life and study, the other wouldhelp him out. (other后加s) What?smore, you have to be friends with your pupils and take good care ofhim. (him改为them)

 7. 非谓语动词的常见错误:不定式、动名词作主语、宾语时;and连接的不定式或动名词前后不一致(尤其距离较远时);介词后用动名词形式作宾语;某些动词后要求接动名词或不定式。 Soon Ibegan to enjoy talk to myself on paper. (enjoy 后需接动名词,talk改为talking) But hisparents think go to college is more important than playing sports.(go作主语,应改为going) Children may not develop the habit of read and the abilityto enjoy themselves. (介词后用动名词形式作宾语,read改为reading) Iparticularly enjoyed driving through the countryside with you andsaw the changing colors of the leaves on the trees. (and连接的不定式或动名词前后不一致,故saw改为seeing)

 8. 介词错误:词组中的介词误用;介词意思理解偏差;介词的多用或少用 Thereare too many people among my family. (among改为in,in myfamily 为固定搭配) I wasso tired that I fell asleep at the moment my head touched thepillow. (去掉at, themoment 引导从句)

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