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tamoadmin 2024-05-21 人已围观

简介1 in --- grade 前应用介词 in;at --- at school 固定搭配。 2 at…of --- at the beginning of 表示在……的开始。 3 In --- 在季节前用介词 in; with --- help with 固定搭配; At --- at the… time 在某个时间段内用 介词 at;from… until--- from


1 in --- grade 前应用介词 in;at --- at school 固定搭配。

2 at…of --- at the beginning of 表示在……的开始。

3 In --- 在季节前用介词 in; with --- help with 固定搭配;

At --- at the… time 在某个时间段内用

介词 at;from… until--- from…to/until 表示从……到…… 。

4 by --- (表示方法、手段) 靠,用,通过; at --- at night


5 from --- (表示来源) 从; along --- 沿着; to ---

(表示趋向)到; of --- different parts of the

field 田里的各个地方。

6 at --- at … times; in…of --- in (the, different…) areas

of 在 …… 的地区。


 1 . make a good person 成为……人。如:

 He will make a good teacher. 他会成为一位好老师。

 If you train hard, you’ll make a good footballer. 如果你努力训练,你就会成为一名优秀的足球运动员。

 This coat makes a good present for my mother. 这件外套是送给我母亲的好礼物。

 注:该结构中的 person, thing 要根据不同语境选择适当词语。

 2 . make sb do sth 使某人做某事。如:

 He made me repeat the story. 他要我把那事重讲一遍。

 Rain makes plants grow. 雨水使植物生长。

 I couldn’t make my car start this morning. 今天早上我的汽车发动不起来。

 注:这类结构中不定式不带 to, 但在被动语态中须带 to。如:

 He made me go there alone. / I was made to go there alone. 他要我一个人去那儿。

 另外,这类结构一般不能将 do 换成 doing。如:


 正:His joke made us laugh.

 误:His joke made us laughing.

 3 . make sb done 使某人被……。如:

 He tried to make his ideas known. 他设法让别人知道他的想法。

 She made herself [her voice] heard across the room. 他大声说话,让房间另一头的人能听得见。

 When he speaks English, he can’t make himself understood. 他说英语时还不能让人听懂他的意思。

文章标签: # --- # at # make